Commercial Agribusiness Claims Adjusting

Commercial Agribusiness

Vector Risk Solutions works with major insurance companies across the Midwest, Southeast, & Great Plains, handling some of the most complex commercial agribusiness claims. Unfortunately, adjusting commercial agribusiness damages can be expensive and require very experienced adjusters, engineers, and other expert consultants.

We have a proven track record of managing large commercial agribusiness losses from cradle to grave. Our commercial adjusters are experienced in reviewing policy coverage and assessing commercial agribusiness damages to provide accurate recommendations to our clients and their policyholders.

Our Services

At Vector Risk Solutions, we understand the need for a relationship that begins in the offices and boardrooms of our clients and ends in the fields, farms, and Ag facilities across America. It is our goal to provide a service that understands and effectively meets the needs of our clients at all levels of this spectrum. We provide claims services and consultation to farm owners and operators, ag retailers and suppliers, food processors and more.

Claim Processing

Our adjusters can handle losses that range from small commercial agribusiness facilities to direct consulting on complex problems during large agribusiness crises. We specialize in providing our clients with experience adjuster for processing losses related to:

  • Poultry Confinement Houses
  • Grain Bins
  • Equine Facilities
  • Dairies
  • Cotton Gins
  • Livestock Facilities
  • Commercial Processing Facilities
  • Nurseries
  • Irrigation Equipment
  • Cattle Ranches


Vector Risk Solutions understands that sometimes the easiest solution to a complex issue is to bring in an outside perspective to review and analyze problems. We consult directly with our clients to reduce loss related expenses, increase client retention, and streamline claim processes and handling practices. We help with creative problem-solving solutions that lower loss related exposure and we can help lower claims processing times in some cases by up to 40%.

Our consulting clients are:

  • Captive
  • Mutual Companies
  • Nationwide Carriers
  • Specialty Reinsurance Companies
  • Private Self-Insured Clients

How to Prepare

The best way to prepare for an agribusiness loss is to plan ahead. Make sure you have a good understanding of the type of policies and coverage in place so that you know what can be included in a claim.

Follow these risk management tips to reduce potential accidents:

  • Keep up to date with weather forecasts and soil conditions
  • Implement safety practices for employees, such as wearing proper safety gear when necessary
  • Maintain equipment regularly to ensure it is in optimal condition
  • Be aware of the potential hazards posed by pests or plant diseases
  • Regularly inspect facilities for signs of damage or wear and tear

For specific information and questions, contact us at 800-451-0798 or

Commercial Agribusiness Claims FAQ

Common types of commercial agribusiness claims include losses related to poultry confinement houses, grain bins, equine facilities, dairies, cotton gins, livestock facilities, commercial processing facilities, nurseries, irrigation equipment and cattle ranches.

An example of a commercial agribusiness claim would be if there is damage to a grain bin due to high winds, resulting in expensive repairs needed to make the bin operational again. The insurance company could then bring in Vector Risk Solutions to assess the claim and provide consultation on how best to handle the loss.

Vector Risk Solutions has years of experience in adjusting and consulting on commercial agribusiness claims. Our adjusters have the expertise to review policy coverage and assess damages, while our consultants provide creative problem-solving solutions to reduce loss-related expenses.